Friday, March 29, 2024
Today was perhaps the laziest day we have had on this trip. We slept in, and we mostly just hung around the house, visited, ate some simple but yummy food, watched a movie, the kids played video games, we all played some card games, and I had a big nap. In the evening we went for a little walk outside.
During that walk, I had the opportunity to chat with Ian. We were talking about how one of the keys to great communication and healthy relationships is trying to imagine another person’s point of view. He told me that it reminded him of a chapter in the book The Phantom Tollbooth called “It’s All in How You Look at Things.” The more talked the more I thought: I’ve got to read this book. So it’s on my reading list now.
And I bought bus tickets to St Jean Pied de Port. We will be there tomorrow afternoon.
This is all becoming very real. Alicia told me the other day that she has butterflies like when she is standing on the starting line of a race. I feel the same way. The anticipation is palpable. I’m trying not to let it cause me anxiety. I am just really excited to get things going.
This epic adventure is about to change pace quickly. We will be slowing down a lot.