La Gran Aventura Day 121: Navarrete to Nájera

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

One more update after the hilarious incident of Captain Underpants, the lion, and the Hulk: this morning we were walking and talking about it and laughing, and I mentioned that audio sound I could hear. Then Ian looked at me and said “You could hear that?! I had it on the lowest volume and it was under my pillow!” He had been listening to a Spanish audiobook on Audible on his phone. And all the time I thought it was Captain Underpants ... Lo siento mi capitán.

Packing this morning went much better. We started by waking up the kids and taking them directly to the dining room for breakfast. That woke them up so they could pack better. Could that have been the secret all along?

It was another good day of walking. We started out by meeting a couple of really nice Spanish ladies. That always helps Betty. Before we knew it we were in Nájera.

We also had a nice rest in Ventosa where we got some delicious smoothies courtesy of Uncle Lamon. Thanks Lamon!

Betty’s foot is feeling better. The pack service is definitely a game changer for her.

This was another chill afternoon. The boys made pasta and salad, and everyone took cold showers. I’m waiting for mine to see if the water will warm up (it did ... a little).

The two lions are back in this albergue, but we haven’t seen the Hulk. Hopefully it will be more peaceful tonight than last night.

This evening I also went to visit the church here in Nájera. It’s a historic city because it was the capital of the Kingdom of Navarre for a long time. The church has a bunch of tombs of the kings and queens of Navarre, and it also has a cave where one of them is said to have found a statue of the Virgin. It’s all beautiful and fascinating. I love this old stuff.

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