Monday, April 8, 2024
Everyone was grumpy this morning. I had hoped that after the wonderful rest day we had yesterday, things would be better today, but they aren’t. Betty’s foot is still really sore, and the kids are frustrated because we only walked about 10k from Viana to Logroño.
In Spanish there is a saying: “Salida de caballo y parada de burro.” It means to go out like a horse and stop like a donkey. That’s what we did. That first week we really cruised, but we’re definitely paying for it now.
But even in our grumpiness, the Lord blessed us. We were hiking for just a few minutes when Alicia said: “I really need to find an LDS family that we can walk with today.” Within about 2 minutes, a couple of ladies walked passed us, and one of them looked at my hat and said “BYU!”
The ladies were both LDS and from Arizona. We walked with them for a while, and we were so happy to see them.
I knew that hat would come in handy.
Also, in Logroño we ran into some friends from Texas that we met in St-Jean-Pied-de-Port on the first day. They seemed really happy to see us.
Because of the short hike, we got to Logroño early, and we were able to have time to just relax.
Also, this albergue is a little weird. The municipal albergue wanted to make us pay for a bed for River, so we went to a private one. Betty asked if they had a kitchen, and they said they didn’t have a regular kitchen for pilgrims but that we could use their private kitchen that they use to make breakfasts and things for the pilgrims in the mornings. That sounded like a good deal, but then the guy never actually let us use the kitchen. He kept telling us that he didn’t want other pilgrims to see us back there. So in the end, we didn’t have a kitchen. Thankfully, Betty had the impression to get just pizzas for dinner, which we were able to heat up in a toaster oven that they had there. Another tender mercy.
In the evening Betty and I went out and talked to some guys at a shoe store. Betty’s wearing Hokas, and they are still in great shape. Betty had wondered if she maybe needed some insoles, but the guy wouldn’t sell her any because he said her shoes are perfect for the Camino.
So I dropped Betty off at the albergue and then I went for a walk to clear my head and take some photos of the church. I also called my brother Spencer, who is an athletic trainer. He had some ideas about what might help Betty, but the bottom line is she is going to be sore until she stops hiking. But she doesn’t want to stop hiking. So we’re not sure what to do. I feel like I need to follow her lead on this one.
She’s got her heart set on walking this whole way, but I’m not sure that is going to be possible. It makes me sad because I know it makes her sad.
I just have to trust the Lord is going to guide us.