La Gran Aventura Day 129: Burgos to Hornillos del Camino

Thursday, April 18, 2024

This morning we had kind of a slow morning, but even then it was light years ahead of where we were a couple of weeks ago. The kids are getting better at just getting their stuff and moving things along in the mornings.

At around 7:30 or so, Nidia and Joycelyn showed up. We took some pictures with Francisco, our awesome hospitalero, and we were off.

The walk out of Burgos is much prettier than the walk in. And we made good time. It was just a really pleasant walk -- made all the better because Nidia and Joycelyn have such an easy time connecting with Betty and the kids. It’s a blessing to have them here.

It seems like no matter how far we walk, the first 3/4 are really easy, and the last 1/4 is really tough. Sometimes it’s just a tough 2-3 km.

I’ve mentioned that the kids have been taking turns carrying River’s pack. They mostly do a great job with it, but if it’s got extra water in it, or if it’s extra hot, or if it’s steep uphill, it’s really tough on them. Ian has had some particularly tough stretches.

And speaking of Ian, the other day he talked about how he would like new book to read. We had been having a big Brandon Sanderson talk, so I recommended Mistborn, and he told me he’d like to read it. So I downloaded it for him on Kindle so he can read it on his phone.

He’s been tearing through it, and now when he has to hike with the pack he tells me everything that he’s read in the past day. He remembers every detail from the book, and he loves recounting it all. It’s been such a fun way to connect, and it really helps to pass the kilometers.

This albergue in Hornillos is really nice. It just feels peaceful. Tonight I was sitting in a window seat, and Anahi came and curled up next to me and we just chatted for a bit. She’s so sweet. Probably the biggest benefit of doing the Camino is the time with the kids. We just have a lot of opportunity to walk and chat.

The hospitalera here is named Inma. She’s been really kind to the kids, and tonight, after everyone was asleep, she made an herbal tea for me and Betty, and we just sat and visited. It was kind of a perfect night.

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