The Protagonist Podcast

Over the past several years I've come to really love listening to podcasts. They are an awesome source of information and entertainment. It's radio you can listen to anywhere you want with no commercials.

Now I've started a podcast of my own. Every week I sit down with my great friend Joseph Darowski, who has a PhD in Comic Book Studies from Michigan State and is one of the smartest people I know, and we talk about great characters in great stories. We call it The Protagonist, and It's one of the highlights of my week.

If you are new to podcasts you can click here for an article that I wrote as an introduction. What is a podcast? How can you listen to one? etc.

To listen to the podcast, you can start by going to our website which is here.

If you listen, I'd love to hear any feedback you have. It's a labor of love and we want our show to be the best.

I hope you enjoy!