I am currently writing a piece about autism and Joss Whedon's and John Cassaday's Gifted volume of the Astonishing X-Men, so I was naturally interested in this article, which featuries a discussion about creativity with Whedon. He has been enormously (superhumanly?) productive over the past few years, and I am always interested in how people get stuff done. In the interview, Whedon jokes about not having finished David Allen's Getting Things Done, but he is obviously familiar with the principles -- the most important of which is identifying next actions. I've found in my own work that when a project stalls it is because I have not clearly defined the next concrete action associated with that project. Nearly all of my thinking on this comes from Allen's book and from Merlin Mann on his Back to Work podcast. I am currently about neck deep in a bunch of different projects, and the only way I am staying sane is by having a list I can trust (I am a big fan of OmniFocus) and by doing the next thing on that list.