La Gran Aventura Day 61: A tough hike

Friday, February 9, 2024

A new day is here, and I’m feeling optimistic. One thought on my mind this morning is that my biggest question is how many miles can River go in a day. To do the Camino in two months we need to average about 12 miles per day. Our longest hike so far has been 10, and those have been without packs. I’m sure the rest of the family can make it, but I need to know how far I can go with her. And I need to know how I’m going to carry her when she gets tired. She’s just too little to walk more than 5-8 miles in a day.

I also need to get caught up on the blog.

Oh, and Betty has made a bunch of granola and salsa over the past couple of days, and we need to get it sold.l and distributed.

In the afternoon we went for a 10 mile hike. Those who had them used their new waterproof socks, and they worked perfectly. It was a cold a mildly wet day, but everyone had warm dry feet.

One major challenge today was River. Today we hiked with packs, and after Grandma’s I threw her on my shoulders. But she kept slipping between the pack and my neck, putting a ton of strain on my shoulders and back and neck. I carried her that way all the way home, but it was super uncomfortable. Oh, and she fell asleep, which makes everything doubly hard because she gets super floppy. We’ve got to try something else. Maybe she can ride inside my pack? Maybe a MOBY wrap?

In the evening, Elena and Josh Smith and Roxanna and all of their kids came over for dinner. It was so great visiting with them. They are great!

• Distance hiked today: 16 km / 10 mi

• Distance hiked on trip: 111.75 km / 69.63 mi

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La Gran Aventure Day 60: Waterproof Socks and the Aburto’s

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Despite the challenges of yesterday, we woke up at a good hour and got a good start in the day. Betty was working on salsas, and I’ve been working on figuring out how we can stay warmer and dryer on these hikes.

One specific revelation to me was waterproof socks. I didn’t know such a thing existed, but apparently they do. And if Amazon Reviews and YouTube videos are to be believed, they actually work!

The problem is that they are pretty expensive, and we have already spent so much on gear.

After dropping the kids off at seminary, Betty, River, Ian, and I went to run some errands. One of our stops was Runner’s Corner in Orem by Costco. I love that place, and our family has been buying shoes from them for decades. We went there because we were looking for some sandals for Betty -- and because she needed a potty stop ;)

After just poking around for a while, we were just about to leave when I saw a clearance rack, and lo and behold: waterproof socks for 60% off! They had enough pairs to cover River, Betty, Ian, Alicia, and Anahi. That leaves only Kimball and me. It was such a tender mercy and made me feel like God continues to watch out for us.

After that we picked up the kids from seminary, and we all went out to the outlets at Traverse Mountain to grab a few more pieces of gear -- especially some good warm clothes for Betty. If she can stay warm on this trip, we will all be so much happier. While Betty and I looked for clothes for her, the kids goofed around in other stores.

Finally, this good day was topped off with a dinner visit from Carlos and Reyna Aburto and their daughter. They have been our dear friends since we were first married, and it was awesome to just catch up. The kids were especially thrilled because Reyna is a bit of a hero for them. They have seen her general conference talks and her YouTube interviews many times. And the Aburto’s had great stories about their world travels while Reyna was in the general relief society presidency, and the experiences she has had working in the highest councils of the church. But more than any of that, it was just great to be with our friends again. We love them so much, and we’ve been through a lot together.

Oh, and they might know of someone we can stay with in Paris. I told them we’ve had a hard time lining things up, and Reyna encouraged us to just reach out to church leaders to see if they can help us find people to stay with. We will try it out to see.

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La Gran Aventura Day 59: Happy Anniversary

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Today is our anniversary. 20 years together!

Let’s just say it didn’t go as well as we might have hoped or deserved.

In the morning I did quite a bit of Japanese work. By the time I was done, a bunch of the morning was gone. While I was working on that, Betty was hard at work with granola.

After lunch, I felt like we really should go on a big hike. The weather was terrible, with strong winds and a super slushy snow coming down hard. My thought was: "what a great opportunity to test our cold-weather gear to see if it will work for our trip." Betty wasn’t happy about my idea, but she came along.

Within the first mile, it was clear that our cold-weather gear was not up to snuff. Everyone had wet feet, and Betty, Ian, and River were especially cold. So we called Dad to come to the rescue. After about another mile of hiking, he picked up those three, and Kimball, Anahi, Alicia, and I continued on.

We went down Main Street to 2000 south, then down towards Geneva Road. My plan was to go around by Provo High School and then get on the Provo River Trail at Lakeview Drive, but when we got past the school I realized that Kimball no longer had his rain cover on his pack. So we backtracked to see if we could find it, but when we got back to Geneva, it was nowhere to be seen. So we hopped on the Provo River Trail there, and headed back into Provo.

It was cold and a little miserable, and Kimball’s wet feet started to develop some hot spots, but we actually had a pretty good time. I asked the kids what they knew about WWII, and they actually knew quite a bit. It turned into a really great discussion about the war and some of the things we hope to see when we are in Europe.

At one point a guy stopped us and asked us what we were training for, and if we had any social media. We must be quite a sight -- even without River and Ian and Betty.

At one point, Khyve Peak (which used to be called Squaw Peak) was all that could be seen of the mountains. I'd never seen it like that.

After nearly 10 miles of hiking, we made it to Chic-Fil-A, where we were rewarded with some delicious chicken nuggets.

Then Betty came and got us, and the girls went to a youth activity.

On the way back from dropping them off, I picked up some flowers for Betty, but they didn’t really make up for the freezing, slushy hike I’d taken her on. She was not happy about the way this most important anniversary had gone. And frankly, neither was I.

In the night, I asked her what she wanted to do, and she told me: we are going to clean this house. It wasn’t really dirty, but I think Betty was just not in a very romantic mood after the cold. I deserve that. In the end, I decided to just decide to really celebrate our 20 years when we are in a better position to do it justice.

But having said all of that, I really am so very grateful to have spent the past 20 years with Betty. She is amazing! Our marriage is so important to me. I don’t know where I would be without her. I think we make a perfect team, and I’m so happy to be on this adventure with her.

In fact, I’m feeling so inspired that I just wrote this haiku:

Twenty years married

Where is Kimball’s rain cover?

Kyvhe peak peeks through clouds

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La Gran Aventura Day 58: Dale and Valerie and Erika

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

This morning I went on a walk and took a picture I’ve been dying to get since we got to Orem. It’s a view of the Orem Temple from the hill heading down to Walmart. I know it’s not a perfect photo, but I just love this view.

I also spent time working on our budget. We’re trying to figure out a good financial situation for the kids. They are long overdue for having a bit more autonomy. So in the afternoon I took them all over to Chase to open individual checking accounts for them. They were all in a goofy mood, and the whole experience was pretty hilarious. I love these kids.

Betty finished another juice cleanse today. She had gone 21 days on these super-juices that she makes, and she’s been feeling great, but she’s happy to be eating solid food again.

In the evening, Betty and I went to dinner with Dale and Valerie. They have been our dear friends for so many years, and it’s always great to get back in touch with them. We ate at an Indian place called Tandoor, and I highly recommend it. The Tikka Masala and Coconut Korma were both outstanding. At one point, Dale told me about how much he loved his new shoes, and when he showed them to me, we laughed as we realized mine are practically identical.

The orange Hokas :)

After dinner I turned on the radio only to find that BYU had been beaten on the road by Oklahoma. I’m glad I spent it with friends instead!

And speaking of friends, our dear friend Erika came down from North Salt Lake to hang out with Betty tonight. She introduced me and Betty to each other, so I’ll be forever grateful for her, and I love to see her.

La Gran Aventura Day 57: Sequoia Sold

Monday, February 5, 2024

The best thing that happened today was we finally sold the Sequoia. It went to a guy who lives up in Boise, and we made a deal with the price where I would take halfway to him. So Dad, Kimball, and I all made the drive up to Burley in a massive downpour, and we got this guy his car. I can’t adequately express what a relief it is to get the car sold, but it also made me a bit sad. We’ve had great family adventures in that car. It also makes me sad to think that he’s going to peel off our BYU stickers. Hopefully they are really pain ;)

Actually, as we drove away I said a prayer that the Sequoia will last him a long time.

While I was taking care of that, Betty took the kids to the Provo Library. The kids played a game called Blank Slate, and had a lot of laughs doing it.

La Gran Aventura Day 56: Dinner with Carlos and Nidia

Sunday, February 4, 2024

This morning, Mom taught the girls a little crochet lesson and put them to work making quilt squares for a humanitarian project.

Today we went to church back at the Spanish ward. This time Savannah was with us, and Alicia sat next to her and interpreted for her during sacrament meeting and during class. I was so proud of Alicia.

Carlos Aburto taught the Sunday school class. It was all about Lehi’s and his family’s journey in the wilderness. The thing that stood out to me the very most was the idea of leaning into challenges. Nephi always did it, while Laman and Lemuel always tried to get out of things.

In the evening we had dinner at Marybeth’s house with our dear friends Carlos and Nidia Corzo. Nidia is a true pilgrim, and she’ll be on the Camino this spring as well -- although she’s starting further along the trail than we will. She and Betty and I had a long talk, which actually turned into a little testimony meeting. The Corzos are some of the best people I know, and they really took good care of me when I was on the mission. I’m so glad we got to spend some time with them.

La Gran Aventura Day 55: Family and Friends

Saturday, February 3, 2024

This morning I did some writing, and then Betty and I went for a walk. In the afternoon we had a birthday party for Natalie, and then in the evening we went and watched BYU vs West Virginia in basketball at Lamon’s house. We won!

In the evening Betty went out with some friends, and I put River to bed early. She was exhausted.

We had a really yummy fajita dinner at Mom’s house, but I wasn’t feeling super hungry.

La Gran Aventura Day 54: Gymnastics!!

Friday, February 2, 2024

This morning I went on a run by myself. It’s always better with Betty, but it was good to get out and stretch my legs.

Also, Betty made her first test batch of salsa to sell. It’s delicious and I’m sure will sell well.

After that, we all drove up to Draper for Brooklyn’s gymnastics meet. She is really good. Gymnastics always amazes me. It’s amazing to see what those girls are able to do.

While we were up there, Annie took Ian and River to the Kangaroo Zoo and to Thanksgiving point. They loved it, and Annie got some super-cute photos of the kids in the butterfly observatory.

In the evening we had a birthday dinner for a couple of the cousins, and then we all went to BYU for the gymnastics meet vs. West Virginia. It was one of those perfect, magical nights. The Marriott Center was rocking, and the kids all love gymnastics. They got to see Cosmo, and he even sat with them for a bit. Then, towards the end, the Ian, and River and their cousins went down right by the floor to see if they could get on the big TV screen. And boy did they ever. It was an amazing night! The kids were living their best life!