La Gran Aventura Day 36: Birding at Utah Lake

Monday, January 15, 2024

This morning I went on walk with Betty -- and we even did some jogging. Her leg is feeling a bit sore still, but she’s doing better. It was good to get out with her again.

After doing a bit more writing I took Kimball and Ian and we went birding with Lamon again. Today we went down to Utah Lake. We saw some hawks and some mallards and coots and a heron, but it was absolutely bitter cold. I think too cold for many birds to be out and about.

I was able to get this picture of West Mountain.

For family night Andy and Marybeth came over and we played a bit. We had a really rousing game of spoons.

Things are just kind of moving along. Anahi is feeling better. Betty feels a bit weird to just be in this holding pattern. We’ll try to make the most of our time here.

La Gran Aventura Day 35: Grandmas

Sunday, January 14, 2024

This morning we went to church with Lamon and his family. It was a good day. River was not thrilled about going to primary, but she stuck it out and did pretty well by the end. Kimball and Ian were able to help administer the sacrament. It was Ian’s first time passing. He did a great job. I’m grateful they let him do it in this ward.

After church, I spent a nice and quiet afternoon blogging.

After that, we went to visit Grandma Neubert. She lives down in Jamestown, and she’s just the best. She and I have been good friends for many years, and I try to call her every week to chat. When we got there, she was practicing the piano and singing to herself. She started singing a song that I had never heard, but then she got to the chorus and started up with:

“Waste not, want not is the maxim I would teach.”

It’s a song my mother taught me when I was in homeschool, so I started singing with her:

“Let your conscience be your guide, and practice what you preach. Do not let your chances, like sunbeams pass you by. For you never miss the water ‘till the well runs dry.”

When we finished she was so surprised that I had known that song. It was such a fun moment.

We spent some time asking Grandma questions like: did she know any of the pioneers? (yes) and which prophets had she met? (David O. McKay and Grandpa Kimball). It was a fun visit.

Then she gave the kids their Christmas present -- beach towels :)

After a bit we came home and had dinner and played card games with Grandpa. For dinner we had Grandma Mack enchiladas, which I always thought were unique to our family, but apparently they came from the Mormon colonies in northern Mexico. They are made by dipping a corn tortilla in a kind of tomato-soupy sauce. Then you put shredded cabbage and cheddar cheese on top of that tortilla and then put another dipped tortilla on top of that. And it’s all topped off with a dippy fried egg. I love them, and many people in our family do as well. Alicia is not an egg-lover, but she did her best with it.

Then Lamon and his family came over, and we watched The Way. It’s a film with Martin Sheen that’s about the Camino de Santiago. I higly recommend it.

La Gran Aventura Day 34: 300 birds!

Saturday, January 13, 2024

This morning I woke up and was totally fixated on the idea of going birding and catching the sunrise. So I hopped in the car and drove down to the Provo River Trail on Geneva Rd. It was a really nice walk -- very, very cold. There weren’t a ton of birds out, but I saw a few and went over 300 birds on my life list. The new birds I saw today were the Pied-billed Grebe, the California Quail (#300!), the American Widgeon, and the Gadwall. It feels like quite an accomplishment. I tried to get a good shot of Timpanogos, but the clouds wouldn’t clear, and the light wasn’t right. I’ll get a good one before I leave town. I did get the sunrise and clouds over Mt Buckley, and I ran into the BYU men’s distance running team accompanied by my good friend Dustin Bybee and followed by my other good friend, Coach Ed Eyestone. It was fun to see them.

I spent a bunch of time during the rest of the day trying to figure out how to focus stack, which is when you take two photographs that are focused on two different things, and then you blend them together in Photoshop. For some reason it wasn’t really working for me for a while, but now it is.

In the afternoon we went to Lamon’s house to watch the BYU basketball game. They played UCF on the road, and they picked up their first Big 12 win. It was fun to watch the Cougs play well again.

After that we came back to the house and played spoons together. It’s such a fun game.

Then I took Kimball to get some new pants -- the ones he brought are worn out now.

In the evening we watched the film Sound of Freedom. It’s one that has been recommended to me many times. It was tough to watch, but I’m glad I did.

La Gran Aventura Day 33: Saints, Birding, and the Museum of Natural Curiosity

Friday, January 12, 2024

This morning I woke up early to study my scriptures. As part of my daily study, I always read a bit from Saints, the history of the church. Today I read about the sacrifices that the Guatemalan saints in the 1940s made to attend the temple in Mesa, Arizona -- where we went with the kids just a few days ago. The temple is definitely becoming a strong theme of this trip. It’s the sacred journey to the mountain of the Lord. For some, the journey is short. There are six temples within a 30 min drive of my parents’ house in Orem. We plan to visit them all in the next few weeks. In Michigan, our closest temple is in Detroit -- two hours away. Even when the newly announced Grand Rapids temple is completed, it won’t be any closer. There, we are happy to get to the temple once per month. And yet here I was reading about saints who spent their entire lives saving so that they could attend the temple just once in their life.

It’s inspiring.

Also today, the older kids were able to attend seminary at the Orem High School, and they had a good time. I’m grateful that they are able to experience what that is like. I have such awesome memories of my time in seminary.

In the afternoon, I went birding with Kimball, Ian, and my brother Lamon. He expressed some interest when I posted about it at the beginning of this trip. So we went up the canyon. It was freezing cold, and we didn’t see a ton of birds, but we did see this downy woodpecker.

In the evening, the older kids went to a gymnastics meet to watch their cousin Brooklyn, and Betty, River, Ian, and I went with my sister Annie and her kids to the Museum of Natural Curiosity at Thanksgiving Point. It was perfect for them. The only bad part was leaving. Ian really hopes we can go back.

When we got back from that, we dropped off the kids, and Annie, Betty, and I went to La Fruitería, which is a new Mexican ice cream place here in Orem. The food was delicious!

La Gran Aventura Day 32: A New Chapter

Thursday, January 11, 2024

This morning Betty and I went for a walk in the snow, and we talked our goals for these next few weeks in Utah.

First of all, we need to get in shape. After all the tacos in Mexico, we need to buckle down and get to walking. Europe is going to be physically demanding, and we want to be ready. So we are going to be hiking a lot with the kids.

We also need to just stabilize the financial boat a bit. Preparation for this trip was quite expensive, and we’ve got three months in Europe coming up. So we are going to get back to selling granola. It was successful in Michigan, and we think it can be successful here as well. We would also like to try selling homemade salsa. Betty’s is exceptional.

Part of stabilizing financially is selling the old Sequoia. But we don’t have the title for it yet (we left it in Michigan), so we will hold off on pushing too hard on that for a week or so.

Finally, this is a good time for the kids to learn some stuff. We hope they can do some reading and learning while we are here.

After our walk, we talked with the kids about our plans, and I think they are on board -- although they aren’t super excited about reading.

We fell behind a couple of days of seminary this week, so we did two classes today to make up for it. The first one was on Nephi’s response to Lehi’s decision to take his family into the wilderness. I think we often assume it was easy for Nephi to follow his dad, but 1 Nephi 2 talks about how Nephi prayed to the Lord for understanding and that the Lord visited him and softened his heart. So his heart must have been hard before. The Lord doesn’t always expect us to immediately accept everything, but He does want us to be like Nephi and to pray for understanding.

Later, we did our second seminary lesson on 1 Nephi 3:7 -- “I will go and do the things which the Lord hath commanded ...”

It’s a classic for a reason.

In the evening, Betty and Dad and I had a really good talk about some mixed feelings Betty has been having about the trip. She is concerned about some things in Mexico, and she wonders if she should stay in the US so she can be closer to that situation.

In the end, however, there is just not much she can do but pray for God to help, and that conversation led us to a discussion of pilgrimage. We talked about how the whole point of pilgrimage is to draw closer to God and to ask Him for help with our most difficult burdens. On one level, it makes no sense. What does my walking to Santiago have to do with problems in Mexico. In that regard, it makes me think about fasting. What does my not eating have to do with anything? And yet, we know that fasting is a powerful way to focus our attention and faith. So pilgrimage is like fasting in that the physical effort allows us to focus on the purpose of the journey, and that focuses our faith.  In a very real way, this pilgrimage to Santiago maybe exactly what Betty needs in order to help focus her faith and allow her to trust that God will take care of things when she can’t be there.

La Gran Aventura Day 31: Drive back to Utah

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

This morning we packed up and headed out. Most of the drive from Phoenix to  Orem was stunning, but uneventful.

We stopped for a few minutes at the Glen Canyon Dam, and Ian and Kimball walked across it while I snagged a few photos.

I love driving through the day and watching the sunset as I drive. Today it was especially beautiful.

The kids are definitely getting used to being in the car. And they have done really well.

My dad kept checking in with us to see how the weather was holding up. I kept telling him to at everything was great. Not a cloud in the sky.

We stopped for dinner in Beaver, and when we started up again, the snowflakes started coming. At first it was just a flurry, but soon it turned into a massive snowstorm, and we slowed to a crawl. It was really dicey for about 3-4 hours until we got to Mom and Dad’s house. I was so grateful to make it.

As we pulled in front of their house, I checked through trip timer on the car. Since leaving Orem with this new Sequoia, we have driven for over 84 hours and covered 3098 miles. That’s not counting the 26 hours or 1600 miles from Michigan to Utah. We’ve definitely covered some ground :)

Hours in the car today: 12

Total travel hours in the car: 84

Miles Driven: 658

Total Miles Traveled: 3852

Distanced hiked today: 0

Total distanced hiked on trip: 2.84km/1.77mi

La Gran Aventura Day 30: Mesa Temple and Photos of Halle

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

This morning we all slept in. We were all totally exhausted.

When we finally did wake up, Betty and I went on a walk with Janie. And I saw a bird I’ve always wanted to see -- a roadrunner. Unfortunately, I didn’t have my good camera, but it was great just to see it.

After the run I got some more work done, and then I took the older four to the Mesa temple to do baptisms.

What a beautiful temple. I’m sorry not to have a great photo of it. (Seems to be a theme for today).

In the temple Ian had a couple of funny experiences. First of all, the people always ask us what size jumpsuit we need for baptisms. The problem is that it seems like no two temples have the same sizing system. So we never know. Anyway, the kind lady held up a jumpsuit to Ian, and it looked perfect, but something must have happened because when we got to the dressing room, his suit was suddenly comically big. The crotch was around his knees, and the short sleeves were like long ones. He had to cuff the pants about five times, and by the end he looked like an Umpa-Lumpa.

Then, when we were out at the font, waiting, a kind sister came out to walk us through the process. Well, Ian just looked at her and said “You smell like essential oils.” (Which she did). She told him, it’s this mint in my mouth, to which he responded: “Well, your breath smells really good.” She thanked him.

Ian’s got confidence, I’ll give him that.

On our way back out to the car, we saw this maintenance truck that we really liked.

Later, The kids were asking for a treat, and I saw a Mexican ice cream shop. I had to stop, and I’m glad I did. It was amazing. I had a chamoyada, which was a popsicle of frozen mango and chiles.

A few weeks ago, when I took pictures of Janie’s family, I had forgotten to get individual shots of baby Halle, so just before sunset we rushed over to a park to snap a few. The time was really short, and she was pretty cold, but we managed to get a few good ones.

BYU basketball played again tonight. This time against Baylor. We played much better, but we still lost.

I’m still exhausted.

La Gran Aventura Day 29: Goodbye to Hermosillo and Mexico

Monday, January 8, 2024

This morning we packed up again. We are getting pretty good at it by now. There is less lost stuff. Less complaining.

We said goodbye to Alma and Victor. They have been such great hosts. I feel really bad that I never got a good family photo of them. We will have to come back for that.

It took quite a while to get out of Hermosillo. We went to Walmart to get some new headphones. Some of the kids have had problems with theirs. While we were there a car-washer named Juan offered go fix out back bumper. We had hesitated to get it done in the states because of the price, but Juan fixed it and buffed the headlights for a great price.

Betty didn’t want to leave without saying goodbye to Yolanda’s mom, so we did that, and then we had to say goodbye to the Ayala’s. Both families. That was hard. Over the past couple of weeks they have become such dear friends to us and the kids. We will miss them all so much.

The drive to Nogales was pretty uneventful. The kids are used to these long trips, and today they did really well.

We decided to stop for one last meal in Mexico before crossing back into the US. We stopped at a little place just a block from the border. The food was good, and we got some food also for a guy who was in the parking lot and needed a meal. I got chilaquiles. The kids got quesadillas and tortas.

Today was the national championship game between Michigan and Washington. The kids and I had hoped to get to Janie’s house to watch it, but with all the stops on the way, we were only able to watch the tail end of the game with her.

Michigan won! It’s pretty awesome to cheer for the national champs.

By then it was pretty late, but we had a seminary class with the kids before bed. It was a busy day.

It’s been a busy month.

We all need some rest.

Hours in the car today: 7

Total travel hours in the car: 57.5

Miles Driven: 344

Total Miles Traveled: 3194

Distanced hiked today: 0

Total distanced hiked on trip: 2.84km/1.77mi