In the summers of 2010 and 2011, as I was conducting research for my dissertation in rural Spain (funded by research grants from the Spanish Ministry of Culture and Stanford University), my project was highlighted in local news outlets on a number of occasions. The following is a list of those interviews and articles.
- Ferràs, Anna. “El Pamano, estudiado en EEUU.” Segre 28 July 2010 : n. pag. Print. Newspaper article about my research in Catalonia.
- EspazoLectura. “O Sete Vidas celebra unha sesión extraordinaria centrada en ‘O lapis do carpinteiro’.” Espazo Lectura. 25 July 2010. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. Article about an interview I conducted with readers in Galicia.
- Aiurri Aldizkaria. “Obabako lurrak aztertzen.” 15 July 2010. Web. 3 Oct. 2011. Article about my research in the Basque Country.